
March 30, 2011

Attack at the Pump!

I just received the following video from Nozzle Rage via E-mail and it is too funny and (in)appropriate not to post here.

March 27, 2011

Oklahoma Rifle Association Shows its True Colors

And they are shades of yellow.  Several bills sit before the Oklahoma legislature this session designed, in one form or another, to "grant" us Okies our God given right to open carry of firearms.  The Oklahoma Rifle Association, whose mission statement includes, "ORA will work for the rights of the gun owner, shooter, collector, hunter, archer, black powder enthusiast."  has decided to send the following open letter to the Oklahoma House of Representatives regarding SB129, one of the open carry bills:

I apologize for the image quality, but the "open" letter is posted here as a password secured pdf, such that copy and paste is disabled.  Had to resort to screen shottage.  Let me cover those bullet points for ya real quick.

  • First, no, the purchase of handguns by those under 21 is NOT illegal in Oklahoma.  Federal law prohibits a federally licensed dealer from SELLING a handgun to anyone under 21.  No law, federal or state, prohibits anyone over 18 from purchasing, receiving, or possessing a handgun.  I would think our long-time lobbyists for gun rights would understand the laws they lobby.
  • Second, BLOOD IN THE STREETS!  The wild west!  Fear, uncertainty, and doubt!  Think, where is all of this mistrust and hostility in the MAJORITY of other states that allow open carry?
  • Law enforcement should be much more concerned with weapons they cannot see.  Would someone tho faces an automatic five years, like a convicted felon, really wear his gun where everyone can see it, right before he holds up Ma and Pa's Bait and Tackle?
The leadership of the ORA, with whom I and other concerned gun owners have met before over similar issues, are seemingly either gun-grabbers in sheepdogs' clothing; or as I suspect, so old they are used to a world in which our rights have been abdicated, and fear change, even positive and correct change.  

I would like to say that at least some of the men at the top of this organization are former law-enforcement officers who performed their duties exceptionally for many years.  Their wrong-headedness and ignorance on this issue should not detract from that.  Oh, and it appears many of the e-mail addresses in their web page are no longer valid, much like the credibility of the organization.  ORA members, you've been Zumboed!

March 18, 2011

Hey, there's a bad guy in the Middle East!

And the UN thinks we ought to not let people fly aeroplanes over his country, because that way, he can't slaughter as many of his citizens.  Who should enforce this?  Hmm...raise your hand if you're a country who needs to spend some more lives and money on toppling a despot for an ungrateful world!  No thanks. Tam says it better than I.  I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble figuring out the spelling-du-jour.