
December 22, 2011

Old Man Winter

It's winter everyone!  That means it's time to break out the sweaters, apple cider, and wool socks.  Oh, and let's not forget the magnums, +Ps, and extra barrel length on those carry guns!  You got more clothes to cover it, and the bad guys have more layers to penetrate!

If you need help with that, the boys at the Box O' Truth can surely help.

December 11, 2011

November 11, 2011

On the Lighter Side of 11/11/11

JayG cranks it up!

Why didn't I think of that?  Thought it was funny enough for a shameless link with nothing original to add.


I, my family, and Pack 280 thank you!

November 4, 2011

Day 4ish

Sometime on November 3rd... Not shaving in the name of cancer awareness.

October 31, 2011

No Shave November

The before. I have a sensitive girly face, and traditionally don't make it far into beardville, but it's for a good cause so it's worth extra effort. Anybody else?

Just realized that this is generally a 'stache thing.  I think I'll start with the whole thing and weedeat down as desired.

October 27, 2011

European stocks soar on news of debt deal

Not sure why this is considered good news – the actions described have been listed in the mid-to-worse case scenarios in discussion to date. I think they are just glad that something has been decided.

- The hair cut options that I read about were 20%, 50% and 60%, so at 50% the investors are going to get slammed. I don’t see how this is going to not impact the French and German banks, and then US banks, unless those are the “institutional investors” mentioned and they are getting a special deal (at the expense of the common investors who are getting the 50% hickey. I thought the markets were supposed to be a level playing field for those involved. How is it level when “special” people don’t have to deal with the consequences of their bad decisions, but the peasants do?).

- The leveraging of the rescue fund sounds to me like trying to put out the fire with gasoline. The hugely leveraged market is part of the problem – so how do you restore confidence with funny-money?

- I guess there is more to the plan than the article covers. Before they start patting themselves on the back, I’d like to hear how they are going to deal with Portugal, Italy and Spain, which are going to be much bigger problems than Greece was.


European stocks soar on news of debt deal

Private bondholders will take 50% haircut on Greek debt

By Polya Lesova, MarketWatch

LONDON (MarketWatch) — European stock markets soared Thursday, with bank shares posting huge gains, as investors cheered a wide-ranging plan that lays the groundwork for lowering Greece’s sovereign debt, strengthening the financial sector and preventing contagion.

EU summit debt crisis deal analysis

Market reaction to the EU summit deal and a look into what this means for banks, bondholders and the possible involvement of the Chinese.

Bank shares — which had taken a beating recently on escalating debt worries — registered double-digit percentage gains.


After hours of negotiations that started Wednesday evening and ended early Thursday, euro-zone officials presented a plan aimed at reducing Greece’s debt-to-gross-domestic-product ratio to 120% by 2020.

Private investors will take a “voluntary” 50% write-down on Greek bonds, while international lenders will arrange a new financing program for Greece by the end of the year. Also, the leaders in Brussels agreed to leverage the euro zone’s rescue fund, thereby increasing its firepower to around $1.4 trillion, and reached a deal on a recapitalization plan for European banks. Read more about the European plan.

“These are very positive steps in the right direction which re-enforces our view that European politicians are willing to take unprecedented action to keep the European Monetary Union together,” said Azad Zangana, European economist at Schroders, in emailed comments.

Pivotal development

While many details are missing from the plan, the deal should help reduce volatility in financial markets, Zangana noted.

“We expect the euro-zone economy to slow significantly by the end of the year, though the deal done may have helped avoid a second global credit crunch and a very deep recession,” he said.

In Athens, the ASE Composite index GR:GD +4.82% gained 4.8% to 811.11, with shares of National Bank of Greece GR:ETE +6.11% /quotes/zigman/250383/quotes/nls/nbg NBG +12.62% trading up 6.1%.

October 23, 2011


Well, the Telegraph predicts other than doom and gloom for America in the next 5 years. Citing fracing technology and a resurgence of manufacturing as the future. Oh how I want to believe.

 World power swings back to America - Telegraph 

October 21, 2011

Face O' the Blog

What say you?

Interviewed During Sleep

For quite a while I've been telling friends that it is not enough to simply beat Obama in 2012. The candidate who becomes our next President has to be a person determined to drag the left-listing ship of state back to center-right - at the least. When confronted with the statement, "I don't care who it is, as long as they are electable", I cringe. No more George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain...

The priorities of the POTUS and the manner in which he chooses to govern are crucial to the future of our Republic.

The author of this article must have interviewed me in my sleep. He captures both why I don't want Romney to win anything, and more importantly, the larger issues at stake...


October 19, 2011

Wang Dang

Late night thought:  I'm pretty sure Ted Nugent could beat Obama in 2012. Whaddaya say, Madman? Ready to put a stranglehold on the White House?

October 14, 2011


Being a collaborative blog, site, whatever...I'm not going to make an endorsement, yet. I haven't made up my mind. I AM going to go ahead and say that I am REALLY liking Herman Cain right now. Question marks? Sure. Is he for true freedom? Self defense, truly free press? Not sure, I hope he comes out with the right answers soon. Do I really like the idea of Ron Paul? Hell yes! Would any member of the major parties be a compromise? Yes. But I like Cain. So far. Maybe this will spur some comments or even posts. I hope so.

October 11, 2011

Don King

Only in America, baby! 30oz of bloody bliss.

October 5, 2011

Memories: Made in America

A pictorial worth more than so many thousand words to this guy.

September 22, 2011

Knife Meme

It has been too long between posts, and the knife meme blazing through the ' gun blogging' community gave me the perfect way to get back to work.  Plus I get to test out Blogaway for Android at the same time.  Without further ado... The SOG Twitch XL.  It's gotten mixed reviews, but it's sharp as hell, and has been an excellent EDC companion for over a year.

May 1, 2011

Post it!

Grab a pad of sticky notes and throw it in the car. The prices at the gas pump will remind you to peel one and leave a nice note about what hope and change has brought us.

The ‘Hope and Change’ ‘Sticky Note Campaign’ is growing « YourDaddy's Politics

April 8, 2011

Weapons Expert?

This is an old news photo, but it was just brought to my attention and I couldn't let it go.

What you DON'T know is that those are CIA developed rounds.  The projectile is actually a very long, bottleneck shaped 9mm, molded to look just like an unfired 5.56 NATO round.  The spooks developed it at Skunkworks for the sole purpose of putting holes in the dwellings of innocent Iraqis, then coming in and persecuting them for stealing coalition (read: US) ammo!  Heh.

March 30, 2011

Attack at the Pump!

I just received the following video from Nozzle Rage via E-mail and it is too funny and (in)appropriate not to post here.

March 27, 2011

Oklahoma Rifle Association Shows its True Colors

And they are shades of yellow.  Several bills sit before the Oklahoma legislature this session designed, in one form or another, to "grant" us Okies our God given right to open carry of firearms.  The Oklahoma Rifle Association, whose mission statement includes, "ORA will work for the rights of the gun owner, shooter, collector, hunter, archer, black powder enthusiast."  has decided to send the following open letter to the Oklahoma House of Representatives regarding SB129, one of the open carry bills:

I apologize for the image quality, but the "open" letter is posted here as a password secured pdf, such that copy and paste is disabled.  Had to resort to screen shottage.  Let me cover those bullet points for ya real quick.

  • First, no, the purchase of handguns by those under 21 is NOT illegal in Oklahoma.  Federal law prohibits a federally licensed dealer from SELLING a handgun to anyone under 21.  No law, federal or state, prohibits anyone over 18 from purchasing, receiving, or possessing a handgun.  I would think our long-time lobbyists for gun rights would understand the laws they lobby.
  • Second, BLOOD IN THE STREETS!  The wild west!  Fear, uncertainty, and doubt!  Think, where is all of this mistrust and hostility in the MAJORITY of other states that allow open carry?
  • Law enforcement should be much more concerned with weapons they cannot see.  Would someone tho faces an automatic five years, like a convicted felon, really wear his gun where everyone can see it, right before he holds up Ma and Pa's Bait and Tackle?
The leadership of the ORA, with whom I and other concerned gun owners have met before over similar issues, are seemingly either gun-grabbers in sheepdogs' clothing; or as I suspect, so old they are used to a world in which our rights have been abdicated, and fear change, even positive and correct change.  

I would like to say that at least some of the men at the top of this organization are former law-enforcement officers who performed their duties exceptionally for many years.  Their wrong-headedness and ignorance on this issue should not detract from that.  Oh, and it appears many of the e-mail addresses in their web page are no longer valid, much like the credibility of the organization.  ORA members, you've been Zumboed!

March 18, 2011

Hey, there's a bad guy in the Middle East!

And the UN thinks we ought to not let people fly aeroplanes over his country, because that way, he can't slaughter as many of his citizens.  Who should enforce this?  Hmm...raise your hand if you're a country who needs to spend some more lives and money on toppling a despot for an ungrateful world!  No thanks. Tam says it better than I.  I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble figuring out the spelling-du-jour.

February 6, 2011

On Egypt - In Which I Agree With a Frenchman...

(and philosopher - go figure), Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Great, now I must engage in some philosophizin' of my own...

I must state that I disagree with Rousseau on most matters. I think his view of human nature as expressed by groups and the societies they may form is naive at best, resulting in monstrous acts at worst.

- His antipathy to the doctrine of private property rights.
- His belief that only a large and powerful State can preserve individual freedom.
- His bizarre educational beliefs (Obviously embraced by modern theorists of education):
  • Book learning is minimized.
  • A child's emotions should be educated before his reason.
The Terror of the French Revolution and later Socialism/Communism are offshoots of this flawed view of human nature.

When I pin myself down on my beliefs, I find that I think the towering figures of The Scottish Enlightenment came closest to getting it right. Frances Hutcheson, Adam Smith, David Hume, Adam Ferguson, Thomas Reid, et al. were grounded in common sense and a practical view of human nature that stands the test of time and honest observation.

There you have it; my own gibberish-laden philosophical framework.

The one Frenchman I admire unreservedly: THE MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE

February 5, 2011

A New Low

It appears as if at least the UK Telegraph believes that Obama has agreed to throw England under the nuclear powered bus in the name of "arms control". This treaty is a horrible idea for the US anyway, and now we know the big O had to sell out our allies just for the privilege.

WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets - Telegraph

January 23, 2011

State Senator Blasts OKC Police Chief...Bravo

Oklahoma Senator Steve Russell called out Bill Citty on his recent statements against our right to self defense in the Sunday Oklahoman.  It isn't very often I applaud politicians, but Senator Russell deserves kudos today.

"...As co-chairman of the Senate Veteran's Affairs Committee and as a member of both Senate public safety committees, I call on Citty to provide the data that shows these types of weapons are used extensively in crime and pose a greater threat statistically than any other commonly held and legally purchased type of firearm.
There is simply no empirical evidence to support his claim. According to the FBI, crime has dropped 14 percent since 2004, the period he cites as when the so-called ban on military weapons expired. The fact is these weapons were never banned but only certain modifications to them were.
Citty's proposal of registration or titling of such weapons violates Oklahoma's constitution. Furthermore, being able to protect ourselves with the type of firearm we feel most comfortable with is a part of our federal constitutional freedoms. These are basic rights — not privileges bestowed on us by benevolent politicians. His views are something one might hear in San Francisco but are not welcome in Oklahoma. Citty also needs to be mindful that Section 2, Article 26 of the Oklahoma Constitution prohibits any such actions as he proposes..."
The whole article is great, and can be found here.  

You a man? It's like an exam.

I don't like to just post other people's great ideas all the time, but this list of ten things a man should be able to do is full of goodness.

Are We Not Men? | The Adaptive Curmudgeon's Blog

January 21, 2011

Watching the Bill of Rights Fall Amendment by Amendment

"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire?  or Ewelyn Beatrice Hall?  Who knows?

And that isn't the point, anyway.  The point is, that a man (known as TJIC) had his property seized this week because of statements, however crude, that he made on his blog (currently down, reason unknown).  No arrest, just seizure of his firearms.

More here from Borepatch.

January 9, 2011

Spreading the Love?

     So I needed a cheap doorknob quick this evening and ran to Wally World.  I grabbed one by a well known company over the only other choice, which was in cheap packaging and one that never heard of.  I thought it would be better to spend a little more for the name brand.

     As I walked toward the counter, I decided to look at the box, just to make sure I was buying a Chinese-made product (I was in Wal-Mart after all).  Sure enough, I was.  Something made me turn around and make a quick check on the really cheap product.  Philippines.  Hmm.

     So I save a buck or two on a product that is only a stop-gap anyway, and spread the wealth.  There was no US alternative, so this tiny victory was my own little DoD (denial of dollar???) attack.  Go me.