
February 6, 2011

On Egypt - In Which I Agree With a Frenchman...

(and philosopher - go figure), Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Great, now I must engage in some philosophizin' of my own...

I must state that I disagree with Rousseau on most matters. I think his view of human nature as expressed by groups and the societies they may form is naive at best, resulting in monstrous acts at worst.

- His antipathy to the doctrine of private property rights.
- His belief that only a large and powerful State can preserve individual freedom.
- His bizarre educational beliefs (Obviously embraced by modern theorists of education):
  • Book learning is minimized.
  • A child's emotions should be educated before his reason.
The Terror of the French Revolution and later Socialism/Communism are offshoots of this flawed view of human nature.

When I pin myself down on my beliefs, I find that I think the towering figures of The Scottish Enlightenment came closest to getting it right. Frances Hutcheson, Adam Smith, David Hume, Adam Ferguson, Thomas Reid, et al. were grounded in common sense and a practical view of human nature that stands the test of time and honest observation.

There you have it; my own gibberish-laden philosophical framework.

The one Frenchman I admire unreservedly: THE MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE

February 5, 2011

A New Low

It appears as if at least the UK Telegraph believes that Obama has agreed to throw England under the nuclear powered bus in the name of "arms control". This treaty is a horrible idea for the US anyway, and now we know the big O had to sell out our allies just for the privilege.

WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets - Telegraph